Short update

Well, short notice blog. I already platinumed Shantae Half-Genie Hero and both of the Ratchet and Clank games I had on tap. Sly 2 will be platinumed next, but it's starting to get sour in my mouth now. Third time, definitely not the charm especially since I failed to save my game after getting all of the bottles in Chapter 2 and would have to do it again. :(

The reason I haven't been alive in the trophy scene is complicated: I lied about this being my last account. I have started a new account(again) to house nothing but games which I am certain will get completed, even if I have to kill my lifestyle in order to do it. That is not to say that certain games will show up again(like inFamous Second Son, since I am getting tired of that game) but if I can get 100% on the game, I will put it on there. The name of the account is based off of Max Kinsella, aka the Mysterious Max. I need to find a way to draw decent Midnight Louie fan art. :)

Because of this, I have platinumed 17 games on that account and it took two weeks so I wasn't working on MidnightCJ's account. Also, my latest platinum was LEGO City Undercover, which was a ***** to 100%. LEGO games are notorious for hiding collectibles in areas that are so obvious you kick yourself in shame. (The last character token I was missing was hidden behind an oil tank I had passed a zillion times.)

Anyways, I appreciate my viewers for being patient and will blog something in a few days. I am taking care of my parents' (and sister's) dogs while they are on a grand trip to the Grand Canyon!


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