Platinum Trophy List: #1 - 10
I have been earning trophies for many years and ended up with five accounts. This is my last and greatest account and so I decided to create a checklist of all of the platinum trophies I have ever earned. It will be an ongoing list until (a) I grow too old to hold a controller or (b) I feel like there is no more point to earning platinum trophies(like when Pokemon takes over the world ^_^). So here is the first of my many lists, the first ten platinum trophies I have earned on my latest account. I will also note which of my past accounts have the game on the list and whether they have the 100%/platinum or not. My accounts are: PrinnyBoy238 (my very first account back when I got my first PS3, not serious at all - named after Disgaea's Prinny mascot, not even on my PS4 and retired this account after I got my PS4) Maphantom (named after the Maplestory character, Phantom the dashing thief, this was when I started to take trophy hunting seriously, not on my PS4 anymore) Detective...