Yes, I am playing an MMO on the PS4, sue me :p
I'm going to revoke my memberships to MapleStupid and Wizard101(the latter which I regret sadly) to focus my MMO talents on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I avoided this like the plague until I saw a series on how this game rose from the ashes like Phoenix and decided that instead of spending $60 for FFXII: The Zodiac Age(which I will buy in the later months of the year) I will focus on playing an MMO that DOESN'T screw you over. Yes, you have to pay a lot, but right now I am on the free trial version, which gives you some time but caps you at Level 35 in all jobs. That's not a big deal to me as I am going to dabble in the game so when I come out horses blazing on July 1st, I have something to fall back on. ;) Here is the character who is going to help me get the platinum. I decided on a new character for the platinum, the Mi'qote cat man I made was on free trial... and I really adore the Lalafell! Sue me, halflings are my favorite race in D&D. :p...